Berkshire School News
November 24, 2022 by Staff Report

The Berkshire Local Schools promotes peer-to-peer opportunities where students at various grade levels can interact with one another in order to promote active connectedness and to learn from one another...

First-Graders Visit High School

The Berkshire Local Schools promotes peer-to-peer opportunities where students at various grade levels can interact with one another in order to promote active connectedness and to learn from one another. Such was the case recently when first-grade students at Berkshire Elementary School visited the high school’s advisory classes to promote the ongoing food drive that is taking place throughout the school district.

Each elementary school student partnered with a high school student council representative and performed a presentation to help advance the worthy cause of obtaining nonperishable items to help those in need this upcoming holiday season.

First-grade students developed confidence during their presentations along with public speaking skills and communication. The high school advisory class students were active listeners and truly benefitted from the time of aligning with the students from the elementary school.

The food drive is ongoing at the elementary school and with assistance from the high school students, it truly makes it a cause worth sharing for the holiday season. Visit the district website or stop in the main offices to donate a nonperishable or canned item to support this year’s holiday food drive.

Veterans Day Luncheon

Berkshire High School students who are part of the Badger Lab program honored approximately 70 veterans recently with their annual luncheon at the American Legion on Goodwin Street in recognition of Veterans Day. Preparing a celebratory lunchtime meal and then serving those who have fought to defend the country, approximately a dozen Badger Lab students put on aprons and helped guide veterans for a time of togetherness and pride. On hand were members of the Badger Lab staff to help serve fresh salad, soup, the trimmings and desserts that were donated by Great Lakes Growers, Great Lakes Cheese, Mary Yoder’s, Coffee Corners, the Veteran’s Food Pantry, Burton Floral, Maggie’s Donuts and Giant Eagle. Parents of Badger Lab students helped to support the event as well.