Cardinal School News
May 23, 2024 by Staff Report

Three teachers from Jordak Elementary School participated in a dyslexia simulation on May 7 at Riverside Local Schools...

Dyslexia Simulation

Three teachers from Jordak Elementary School participated in a dyslexia simulation on May 7 at Riverside Local Schools. Through six simulations, the teachers experienced everyday challenges that individuals with dyslexia face. The simulations were designed to improve understanding and encourage the use of effective teaching techniques. The workshops were led by members of the Northern Ohio Branch of IDA.

Food Pyramids

Second-grade students were given three wooden frames and then different colored blocks to form their own food pyramids. The first three blocks were represented as plants. The next several blocks represented animals that feed on plants, and the top block represented an animal that feeds on other animals that first feed on plants. The entire activity relates to a DVD that was played for the students before they began making their food pyramids.