West Geauga School News
May 23, 2024 by Staff Report

The West Geauga Board of Education, in conjunction with the Geauga West Rotary, recently held the 31st annual Senior Citizens Recognition Dinner...

Senior Citizens Dinner

The West Geauga Board of Education, in conjunction with the Geauga West Rotary, recently held the 31st annual Senior Citizens Recognition Dinner. The fun event is an opportunity to show the district’s appreciation to the senior citizens of the West Geauga community for all they have done and continue to do to provide a solid educational foundation for West Geauga’s students. Thank you to all the attendees and volunteers who made the event a success.

3rd-Grade Field Trip

Third-grade students at Lindsey Elementary School had an opportunity to visit Holden Arboretum on a class field trip. The wonderful guides gave students an opportunity to explore nature and learn about the pond habitats. With the use of small nets, students were able to catch various animals living in the pond, such as frogs, fish, tadpoles, snails and salamanders. After learning about their animals, they were safely released back into the pond. It was a beautiful day to enjoy the outdoors.

WGHS Senior Decision Day

The first week of May was a big week for the class of 2024. May 1 was National College Decision Day, a celebratory day for many high school seniors announcing their commitment to the college of their choice. Participating students dressed in a shirt sharing their future plans after West G and signed their senior graduation exit tickets. The week concluded with senior prom and after prom. While the classroom days at West Geauga are dwindling for the seniors, the high school is thrilled to have the opportunity to share in the special events with them.