Chagrin Falls School News
June 24, 2021 by Staff Report

First-grade students at Gurney Elementary School earned awards for their work in the Center for Responsive Schools’ (CRS) Fly Five Social Emotional Learning Program...

Gurney Students Win Awards

First-grade students at Gurney Elementary School earned awards for their work in the Center for Responsive Schools’ (CRS) Fly Five Social Emotional Learning Program.

CRS is a non-profit educational development organization that is dedicated to developing high-quality services for students and educators. They organized the Fly Five Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Creative Lab Challenge to promote social and emotional learning while offering various prizes to the students who participate and the educator who submits the work.

CEO for CRS, Dr. Lora Hodges, spoke at the SEL Creative Lab Challenge virtual awards ceremony. She said the contest “is an opportunity for kindergarten through eighth-grade students to inspire others using creative arts to share their knowledge and lived experiences related to social and emotional learning.”

She continued saying that the past year and a half have shown just how crucial social and emotional skills are. For this contest, there were eight judges working in two teams to review projects. All entries were for the “Commotion about Emotions” challenge.

In the challenge, students were to use an art form to share the purpose of one emotion and share a personal experience they have with those emotions. Stephanie Malley, responsive classroom certified first-grade teacher, submitted work from her students.

Students wrote and drew a picture about the feeling of joy and what in their lives brought about this emotion. They wrote about being at the beach, birthdays, ice cream and video games. Nine of the students earned a prize for their efforts in the contest.

The second runners-up were Hadley Reed, Emma Ross and Calvin Tisdale, and they received a $60 Visa gift card. The first runners-up were Liam Dixon, Olivia Falbo and Cohen Reich, and they received an $80 Visa gift card. The challenge winners were Aubrey Riccelli, Parker Lower and Graham Linczak who won $100 Visa gift cards.